Joshua Fequiere is a pastor, motivational speaker, mentor, and leader. He has a passion for counseling those who are lost and hurting. Joshua is a strong believer in the power of words. He believes that they can either be used constructively or destructively and that there are many people today who are experiencing a lack of progression and other detrimental effects of being subjected to negatively impacting words and experiences. So, Joshua chooses to use his words to motivate, encourage, and inspire individuals to overcome their obstacles, pursue their dreams, walk in their purpose, and make an impact in life that cannot be erased. Joshua serves as the Associate and Youth Pastor. He is a graduate of Nova Southeastern University where he obtained his Bachelor of Science Degree. and graduated at the top of his program as he was the winner of the “MVP Award” of the entire Athletic Training Sports Medicine Program.
SueAnn Fequiere is a life & relationship coach, a singer and song writer. SueAnn is a power house and a woman of faith, with her modern personality and contemporary style. Alongside her husband, Joshua Fequiere, she serves as a leader of this generation through her mentoring of the youth and young adults. She also serves as one of the leaders in the praise and worship ministry at First Baptist Church of Plantation. SueAnn utilizes her gifts and talents to be a blessing to others to help change lives.
Joshua and Sue-Ann Fequiere have been married since 2006, and they have 4 beautiful children (Joshua Jr, Jada, Lily and Gabrielle who also goes by Gabby). We enjoy spending time with family and friends, and we believe in living life and cherishing every moment, making the most of the present to build lasting memories for the future. Joshua and SueAnn are called upon as ministers, leaders, mentors, and counselors. Together they are making an impact that cannot be erased.